Returning to Work: Setting Yourself Up for Success

It goes without saying that this experience of COVID-19 has altered our mental health at work. Many of us continue to work from home, which means we work mostly alone and only connect with our colleagues virtually.

While rolling out of bed, working in our PJs, and creating hilarious teleconferencing backgrounds might have been fun a few months ago, for many of us the stress and anxiety of the global pandemic is taking a toll. Recent studies have shown that 75% of people feel more socially isolated and many feel they have higher stress levels since COVID-19. This is why it’s crucial our jobs are a safe and healthy place for us to work – and doesn’t add to the stress we are already feeling outside of office hours.

  1. It’s in Your Hands

Now, it is more important than ever to stay up to date on the health and safety measures your company has taken to protect you and your colleagues. Are you familiar with proper hand washing procedures? This sequence also applies when using hand sanitizer. Research is still showing that this is the most effective way to protect you and your family against the spread of COVID-19.

For all those with kids, an Ottawa-based company is teaching kids the importance of washing your hands through an online interactive game. The game shows the proper way to wash and it also shows how germs are spread. You can give it a try here:

For a growing number of businesses across Canada, preventing the spread of COVID-19 involves the use of face masks. But an increasing number of Canadians are also reaching for disposable gloves to use to combat corona virus, particularly when running errands. By wearing the same pair of gloves in public and touching various surfaces you can not only spread germs but also transmit the virus from one location to another. Gloves can give people a false sense of reassurance.. As such, when running errands it is highly suggested to frequently use hand sanitizer or wash your hands.

  1. New Normal

As the province begins to open up again, it is important to bring compassion into the situations you might experience during this transition. For some, it has been months alone, in isolation. For others, it has been hectic having the whole family home. Either way, try this breathing exercise, pictured below, next time you find yourself getting frustrated, or try to identify the emotion and what is triggering it. Recognize it is not serving you well right now and think about how you might be able to re-frame the emotion for good. We are all re-adjusting and can benefit from a little neighbourly love right now.

“Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength”

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